Our Programs

At Gateway Hunger Relief Center, we offer a variety of programs and options to make food available to those in need.
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Eligibility is determined by self-attestation of income. The applicants fill out a form that requests name, address, household size, household income, disability, or veteran status. No other information data is collected.

GHRC Food Delivery Program

Gateway Hunger Relief Center (GHRC) also offers a monthly Food Delivery Program. The program is specially targeted for low income, seniors, and to help fight hunger and malnutrition for our elderly neighbors. GHRC brings groceries to the most vulnerable people at no cost. Many of our clients who are elderly, have a medical condition, or physical disability, or a COVID related concern that prevents them from shopping at GHRC. 

Volunteers bring bags of shelf-stable food to various agencies that support or have elderly living in their facilities. While the contents of the bags may vary, items in these bags include nutritious canned fruits and vegetables, juice and/or shelf-stable milk products, starches such as potatoes, pasta and pasta sauce or pancake mix, proteins such as peanut butter, beans, beef stew or canned chicken or tuna or pork and other non-perishable items. 

Hygiene products may also be packaged in the bags. To the best of our ability, we work with the agencies to accompany our client’s dietary needs and preferences. GHRC prevents vulnerable seniors from having to choose between food and other basic needs, like medicine, housing, or utilities.

GHRC Food Bank Drive-Through Pick Up

Clients may visit the GHRC twice a month on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12 noon. Vehicles will join a car queue on the Sheridan Street side of building. A volunteer will then come out to each car and ask for verifiable information such as a driver’s license, etc. or anything that shows name of individual, address, and date of birth. 

The volunteer then takes the ID to the registration window where the information is updated in the data base or entered (if new registrant). Then a ticket is given for each ID that has been presented. 

When it is their turn, the driver then proceeds in an orderly fashion to the back of the GHRC where the ticket is surrendered and volunteers load pre-packed food boxes, vegetables, and fruit, into the trunk or car without person-to-person contact.

Children's Food Bags

Hungry children cannot concentrate or perform well in school or exhibit behavioral problems. The GHRC children’s bags offers a bag of nutritious and delicious food for children whose families are struggling or need assistance. 

If a client has a child or children under twelve years of age, the GHRC will provide food bags at the registration window. GHRC takes care to adjust food items for children who have food allergies or special dietary needs and make sure that items are culturally appropriate. 

GHRC currently offers bags for over five hundred children per month.

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